No. 1 (2018): Vol. 30, Number 1

- Editorial
- Galois lattice and positional dominance (Mircea, M., Pfeffer, J.)
- Multiple imputation for longitudinal network data (Krause, R.W., Huisman, M., Snijders, T.A.B.)
- Multilevel models for personal networks: methods and applications (Vacca, R.)
- Estimating the size of regional innovation network through a capture-recapture approach (Pelle, E., De Stefano, D., Zaccarin, S.)
- A methodological approach to investigate interactive dynamics in innovative socio-economic complex systems (Righi, R.)
- Inter-firm networks in Naples before and after Italian political unification. A network analysis perspective (Primerano, I., Caiazzo, F., Giordano, G., Schisani, M.C., Vitale, M.P.)