Associazione per la Statistica Applicata
Applied Statistics Association
Associazione per la Statistica Applicata
Applied Statistics Association
About Our Association
The Association for Applied Statistics (ASA) groups together members, some of whom constituted the association facing the notary and others admitted afterword.
ASA aims at achieving scientific and cultural targets; any profit-making business is excluded.
The main Association’s aim is to improve the statistical methodology and the practical recourse to statistics through:
The main Association’s aim is to improve the statistical methodology and the practical recourse to statistics through:
- Publication of monographs, book series, and periodicals aimed to develop applied statistics, that is statistical issues that are useful for the rapresentation and causal analysis of the real-world phenomena and also applications of statistics that, through quantitative analysis of social, productive and natural phenomena, unveil exemplar models of the concrned phenomena
- Promotion and organization of training or updating courses and of conferences, workshops and other scientific events on topics related to statistics and its applications.
The Association is the owner of the scientific journal
‘Statistica Applicata – Italian Journal of Applied Statistics’
ISSN: 1125-1964 (print version)
ISSN 2038-5587 (electronic version)
Statistica Applicata – Italian Journal of Applied Statistics is a green Open Journal that publishes the articles under the Creative Commons (CC BY) licensing agreement. Articles are indexed in the Scopus database.The Journal charges the authors neither for the submission nor for the publication of the accepted papers.
Upcoming Events and News

ASA Conference 2024
The annual ASA conference will be held at Sapienza University of Rome
18-20 September 2024

Thesis award for graduates in Statistics-related fields
“ZANELLA” thesis award on Applied Statistics

Thesis award for business projects on Statistics
“CASCINI” award on the application of Statistical Methods for Quality and/or Sustainability

Webinar R
Introduction to the R environment and vectorized programming
13 July 2023

La Statistica scende in campo
Video recordings of the webinar on Sports 26 marzo 2021
ASA – Associazione per la Statistica Applicata
Largo Gemelli, 1
20123 Milano
Phone / FAX
+39 02 72342647
+39 02 72343064